Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “DRY Principles”
Go Concurrency 2.4 - Patterns and Idioms | Generators
Generator pattern is an effective way to handle conversion of concrete slice/array types to a data stream in the for of channels. These become absolutely handy when you start working with sync primitives in Go. Using this pattern also helps in predictability and readability across application.
Published on Tue, October 24, 2023
Go Concurrency 2.3 - Patterns and Idioms | Pipelines
Pipeline design pattern is not limited to concurrency and is something that every programmer has followed or implemented, even if unknowingly. A pipeline could contain one or more stages, ideally limiting single responsibility to each stage. This allows different stages to be rearranged, to be added or removed.
Published on Sun, October 1, 2023